Serious Game

What is the purpose of the serious game?

The ImProve STEAM Serious Game was created by the consortium of the project for young people 15-30 years old to learn the difficult concepts embedded in the IP thematic but also about Intellectual Property concepts appearing in the field of STEAM through a gamified, playful, easy, and interactive way. The game assists youngsters to develop practical skills on the topic by teaching them how to prioritize, solve problems, establish strategies and take decisions, thus allowing them to develop competencies on the skills required when pursuing STEAM related careers.


Designing the game! We designed 3D elements to create the illusion that the game is just a window to an imagined world!

For the creation of the serious game, the partners previously prepared the training material. The training material consists of four different modules- Patents, industrial design rights, trademarks, and copyright protection. The game is translated into English, Greek, Polish, French and Romanian and we have designed different types of questions, so it's not a one-sided process for the learner. The learner tries to answer all the questions in order to reach the ImProveSTEAM Exhibition. To get there, a question card appears in every turn. If he answers correctly, a wheel appears and move to the tiles. Moreover, except from the cards with questions, some tiles contain mystery event cards. This can mean for the learner that he loses his turn or that he wins an extra turn or that he goes a few tiles back and other surprises! So, the game, apart from being educational, is fun and interesting. The game had been tested already multiple times so far from the consortium. An iterative methodology, comprising three iteration phases, has been used for the development of the game in a way that each subsequent iteration performs corrective maintenance actions on the outcome of the previous iterations, based on feedback from testing.


Let’s meet the characters!

In the game we meet four characters: Desi, Archi, Cody and Trady. Each character offers different capabilities to the user. For example, by selecting Cody, the learner can give movement points to others. By selecting Trade, the user has +1 movement per turn! There are three different difficulty levels. The easy level includes ten rounds, the normal 9 rounds and finally the difficult level only 8 rounds of questions! One, two, three or even four players can play simultaneously and compete in the game of knowledge and learning!

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